
Time Flies...

My little boy is growing up so fast...I can't believe he is almost 5 months. It seems like just yesterday I couldn't believe I had a baby and how was I ever going to know what to do, and now I can't picture life without him. He is seriously the sunshine of each day and brings so much joy and happiness into our home! We love you Brax!

Mommy and Daddy can't get enough of him!


Heather Hansen said...

He is adorable. I can't believe he is almost five months old and I still haven't even seen him yet! What an awful cousin I am. Sorry

Anonymous said...

HE IS SO DANG CUTE!!! I love his smile. So sweet.
Cameron had the same pair of jammies when he was that little. They seriously do grow up so fast. Way too fast!! :(

Justin and Lindsay Wilkin said...

Preston has the same moose outfit and matching hat. It was the first purchase I bought for him while I was expecting.

We are also getting ready to try rice cereal. So FUN to have boys the same age!!! I would LOVE a little chair like the one that you have. I will have to strat looking around for one.
