
Another Haircut down....

I decided it was time for another haircut...Braxon's hair was getting quite long again so I thought I would attempt to cut it again...He is 4 months now and this was probably his 3rd real haircut since he has been born...(excluding the few snips here and there of the stragglers)!

I cut off about a 1/4 of an inch

He did really good holding still for the first little bit, but then he was ready to be done! I was a little hesitant to cut it because when its wet it's really curly and cute but once it drys it looks like he has a bouffant...so its best we cut it! He's such a handsome boy with the new due!


Eddingtons said...

Way to go Kate!!!! Looks good

Justin and Lindsay Wilkin said...

WOW, 3 haircuts already!!! Preston hasn't had one yet. His hair looks like a perfect buzz cut that stands right up. It is so soft and I LOVE it!!! He does have the occasional straglers, but I don't really mind I just try to blend them in with the others.

We have the same playmat for Preston. He really LOVES it!!!! :) I wish we lived closer, so we could have playdates. It is fun having our boys a couple weeks apart.
