
4 Months...

Braxon had his 4 month appointment a few days ago. He weighed in at 16 lbs. and 26 inches long. He went down on the percent table. He is now in the 70th percentile for height and weight and also head. He also had to get those lovely "S" words....."SHOTS". I always dislike this part of the appointment. Maybe someday I might get use to it...but as of right now it makes me want to cry every time. He is progressing very well and is a very healthy boy!
4 Month Highlights
~He loves to sing (I swear there is a difference from when he talks) When we put him to bed and turn on his music in his crib he sings for about ten minutes before he goes to sleep, it is the cutest thing...maybe I am crazy...but I choose to think he is singing...its a bit different than his everyday coo's and aw's when he talks.

~He continues to talk and makes sounds. He is always so intense and his facial expressions crack us up when he is talking...he is trying to tell us something, I just wish I knew what it was!

~He is getting really good with his hand and eye coordination.

~He loves his baths and enjoys kicking and splashing.

~He loves to look in the mirror and talk to himself or Devin and I.

~He still loves his little "Moo Moo" blankie and kicks and gets excited when we bring it to him.

~He is very alert and when ever the phone rings, the door shut, the television is turned on, etc. his eyes get really big and he freezes as he listens to try to figure out what is going on...I am constantly reassuring him..."Oh its just the phone...Daddy just left....Do you hear the T.V."

~He loves to suck on his hands.

~His Slobbering hasn't stopped...we still go through lots of bibs each day.

~He loves Nap Time...when he is ready to go to sleep...he is ready! I lay him in his crib with "Moo Moo" and within about 5-10 minutes he is out! (I hope it stays like this)

~He loves to read books....Story Time is an exciting time each day.

~Tummy Time on the other hand isn't his fav...he is doing better, but lets just say he uses all of his energy talking, and doesn't have any left when it comes to tummy time, explaining why he hasn't quite yet mastered rolling over :) He's getting close.

He is such a pleasant, happy boy...we love him so much! He is our pride and joy! I still can't get over how much fun being a mom is! I am so thankful to have Braxon in my life...I am even more thankful I get to stay home with him each day and enjoy every minute of him...Thanks Honey for working so hard and providing!

"What was that Mom???"

Tubby Time

"Are we done yet???"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS! He is the cutest! I can't believe he is already four months old! Can't wait until we live closer!
