

We have had a lot of fun in the snow this year and the best part about it...we don't even have to leave our house!!!

The hill in our backyard is almost as good as a Lagoon Ride...

It is so steep at the beginning it gives you a big RUSH... (lets just say you better go to the bathroom before hand)

From the top of the hill we made it clear down between our house and the neighbors and to the front sidewalk!!!

Devin getting ready for "TAKE OFF".....

Finishing out the ride.....

Home Free!!!
(A definite case of "TRY THIS AT HOME")
It was a little cold still for Braxon to be out...he was such a good boy and slept while we had our fun with friends and family!!!


Heather Hansen said...

Devin told me about this. Sounds fun.

Norton's said...

Oh my, how fun is that? To bad I've got a huge belly right now or I'd be right over to join in on the fun. I bet you can hardle wait till Braxon is able to play too.
