
Braxon 11 Months

Braxon at 11 Months weighed 22 lbs. He keeps us running and we are loving every minute try to keep up with him!

11 Month Highlight
~He mastered walking and is a walking fool...he loves that he can get around with out crawling and thinks he is all that!
~He knows a few animal sounds...he can "hiss" like a snake and "moo" like a cow!
~He loves to put anything and everything in the garbage...the other day I went in his room to find every single pair of his shoes in his garbage.
~He loves to pretend laugh...when he thinks he is funny or showing off he will do his pretend laugh!
~He has a play phone and walks around with it up to his ear.
~He loved the fresh produce this season...he couldn't get enough peaches, he also loves cucumbers, zucchini, watermelon, and cantaloupe!
~He loves being where ever there is action and thinks that everyone is his friend. He is such a happy boy and has personality plus...We love you BRAX!

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