
Braxon 10 Months

Braxon is GROWING RIGHT UP!!! At 10 months he weighed 21 lbs. He is a big boy and loves LIFE!!!
10 Month Highlights

~He is very active and loves to explore anything and everything he can get too!
~He waves Hello and Bye Bye...(whenever I am on the phone and I say bye, he starts waving his hand).

~He took his first step, but hasn't mastered walking just yet.

~He loves when the vacuum is on....Daddy gives him rides when he vacuums!

~He love food and will eat pretty much anything we give him....but for some reason right now he doesn't like bread...maybe its the texture....lets hope that changes!
~ He loves helping me with the dishes...he always has to be right in on all the action!

~He love being outside and working in the yard with his dad...one day I looked out the window to see him with Devin and is all I could see was Devin...I went out to see where he was, to find him in our big flower bed embedded in the flowers and dirt!

~He loves to sing and loves to be sung too!
~Gives High Fives
~Can climb up all the stairs from the basement.

~His favorite cartoon right now is "Super Why"

He is the absolute joy of our lives. We love him so very much!

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