
2 Week Appt...GRoWiNg LiKe a WeeD!!!

Our little guy had his 2 week appointment and lets just say he is like his mom....LIKES TO EAT!!!
He weighed 9 lbs. 1 oz. He had gained a 1 1/2 in one week...and grew 1/2 inch, so he is 22 inches long now!

We are so happy he is doing so well...the doctor said he was doing great and to continue what ever we were doing....and to not wake him up at night to feed him any more. I was waking him every three hours to feed him...but now she said to let him call the shots. It is so nice cause he sleeps 4-5 hours before he is ready to eat each time and then goes right back to sleep. He is such a good boy. We are enjoying him so much...Devin and I can't quit looking at him and smiling, he makes us so happy!He sure loves his DADDY!!!


Jaci said...

these are "the best days of your life!" So happy for you!

The Kunzler Family said...

Look at those "chubba cheeks"! POST MORE......POST MORE!!! PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEE!!!

j.evans photography said...

Congrats Kate and Devin! I didn't have the internet until a couple of days ago and just noticed your blog! I am so excited for the two of you. I need to come by and bring you your gift! What a handsome little guy! It is so much fun being a mom!

The Taylor's said...

He has changed!! I want to see him again. He is so cute!!

Natie said...

I'm so glad to hear that you are all doing well. All I can say is SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP whenever you can! Please let me know if you need anything. We will come visit soon. I'm so excited to see your little guy.
