
HaPpy HaPpY NeW YeAR!!!!

Devin and I took it upon ourselves to throw a New Years Party with his fam. It was kind of last minute when we decided to do an all out PARTY!!! We had a lot of fun putting it all together and we were really thrilled that we got his sister and her family to come down clear from Boise for the fun shin-dig!!!

The PARTY PLANNER himself...I have to hand it to my sweet husband... he did an awesome job putting everything together and making it all happen...great job hun!!!

We had a YUMMY...HEALTHY....dinner full of Domino's Pizzas, and tons and ToNs and did I mention TONS of appetizers and Desserts...

Thanks to everyone for bringing oodles and oodles of food.... A PARTY'S not a PARTY without FOOD!!!

Each person brought a WHITE ELEPHANT gift...I must say, we had some pretty crazy gifts... goofy, funny, cheesy, you name it...they were pretty hilarious!!!
The kids brought gifts also to exchange with each other. I think this one got the tiniest gift award. In amongst all the gifts was this little itty bitty one...Preslie brought it, and Harley ended up getting it...it was a used little thing of lip gloss...I got a kick out of how tiny it was...it was great!!!

The night was full of lots of fun and lots of laugh....especially when Devin decided to livin' things up while he was on the MIC...He is quite the comedian and had everyone laughing pretty hard.

The rest of the nights events consisted of:

DOOR PRIZE---given to the person who arrived at the Party ON TIME...(Good job Bric and Heidi...even driving clear from Boise you were the first to arrive)



AND...........THE HIT OF THE NIGHT..........


Thanks to Brandt and Kriste for bringing it and sharing it with the rest of us! Everyone had such a blast trying all the games and seeing who could beat who...(Sorry no pictures...I don't know what I was thinking, I guess I was to busy watching everyone making fools of themselves;) or actually being quite good!)

We brought in the NEW YEAR as we all toasted with MARTINELLI'S SPARKLING APPLE CIDER!
The night didn't end there....the guys stayed up playing the WII and the girls talked until 5:30 in the morning...Yeah I know...What were we thinking!!! It was a lot of fun...we woke up after a few hours and had a big breakfast and played a few more games before everyone headed home.


j.evans photography said...

Looks like you guys held a great party! I didn't know that you were older then Devin. I hope things are going good. We need to come see your place now you have seen ours.

Natie said...

What a fun New Year's Party. I wish that I could say ours was as exciting. I am getting old. We sat on the couch watching a movie, paused it to say "Happy New Year," snuck a kiss, and went back to the movie. Then we went to bed at 12:30. Yikes. I'm glad you had a great time.

Chandler.Robyn said...

So, glad you guys took it upon yourselves to throw a party! :) It was fun.
