
Braxon 9 Months

At 9 months Braxon weighed 21 lbs. and was 30 long. He was in the 95% for Height, 90% for head, and 70% in weight. He is growing like a weed and is a big boy!

9 Month Highlights
~He finally mastered crawling...I guess I should say his way of crawling. He crawls on one knee as he pushes off with his other foot. It gets him around and I guess that's all that matters.
~He thoroughly enjoys helping his dad in the yard (as seen in previous post). If it has anything to do with dirt and outside...he is in!
~He loves to eat. No matter what I feed him, he usually eats it all gone! Some of his favorites are anything with pasta, cheerios, and applesauce.
~One highlight that we won't forget was when he called 911.
He managed to get a hold of the phone and must have been playing with it for a while, when I noticed and took it away, out of habit I hit the off button to make sure it wasn't on. Two seconds later I get a call "This is 911"...you know how in a split second your mind can take you a million different directions and one of those was that I thought Devin got in a wreck or something horrible...but as quick as they said "This is 911 we just got a call from your home"....I instantly realized Braxon had dialed them not knowing. I sat and had to apologize a million times that my little boy was playing with the phone and must of some how managed to dail 911!... and the lady said it was fine but that and officer would be over shortly because they had already called someone to get to the so called "scene". If you don't think I felt stupid. Well sure enough a few second after I hung up, my door bell rang and it was the officer standing there and he said..."Just checking to see if everything was alright"...As I stood there explaining once again that my little boy was playing with the phone and managed to dial 911! He laughed a little and said he was just glad everything was ok and I sent him on his way.
I did learn a few things from this experience....
1- Don't let your 9 month old or any age child play with the phone
2- 911 really does work and they are on top of it, not that I was doubting but it was a definite true test and case of wow I feel safe if I had to use 911....lets hope I don't!
Braxon is such a joy, and as you can see keeps our lives very interesting and EXCITING, even in ways we don't plan! We love his so much!

1 comment:

Dan & Mandi said...

That is so hilarious that he called 911:) Definitely a story you'll be talking about forever. Haven't had that happen at our house, yet. We have on the other hand dealt with the poison control! Pray that never happens. Love ya!!
