
A LittLe Up DaTe...

I thought I would do a little up date on how my pregnancy is going. A lot of you have asked how I have been feeling and all I can say is, I definitely can't complain. The minute I found out I was pregnant, one of the first things that came to mind was "Morning Sickness", so I was a little worried how my body would react. I have felt so good that I have told a few people that I sometimes forget I am pregnant. In the very beginning there was a few foods I ate that sounded SO SO good at the time....and NOW....BARF...I hope to never see a corn dog again!!! So, if anyone is needing corn dogs, when I went on my craving I bought two boxes and only ate ONE!!! I can't even stand to look at the box. Other than that and feeling very tired, I have been really lucky and have felt great.

We find out what we are having April 17th, so a week from this Friday...we can hardly wait! In the beginning I thought I was having a girl to the point when my grandma asked me what names we liked, I went off on the few girl names we liked and then she said..."what about boy" and I almost was like "Grandma, we're having a Girl". Then I went through a stage of thinking it was a boy and now I am pretty neutral, I don't really know. Devin on the other hand thinks its a Girl...so I guess we will have to wait and see. Whatever it is, we will be thrilled either way!!!


Sierra said...

Congratulations! I vote it's a girl too :-) So far I am 15 for 15... don't break my record

Keith Van Orden said...

I am so excited for you guys! Can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl.

Love ya,

j.evans photography said...

Kate I can't believe you haven't been sick that is great! I was sick the first 8 weeks, but nothing to terrible. I am going to vote that you are having a boy!

Natie said...

I can't stop thinking about you. What a special time in your life. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling well. It is hard enough being totally exhausted. let alone having to be sick too. I'm glad to hear that you haven't had to deal with too much of that. Let me know if you need anything. Our little guy will be here soon. We will keep you posted on that. Have a great day!

Melanie Bingham said...

somehow I missed this update post, so I'm glad I saw you today. I'm so excited you're finding out, shopping is more fun that way!
