
LeT's BoWL!!!!

Devin and I have been on a bowling league for the past two months. It has been so much fun!!! Lets just say we might not have taken 1st place...but at least I can bowl over 100 now instead of barely bowling a 60 if I was lucky;)

Thanks to Devin being a professional bowler;) and winning the last league he was on before we were married, he got a certificate for new shoes and I got to reap the benefit from it. I was glad to get my own pair of bowling shoes so I didn't have to wear the nasty ones that everyone wears at the Bowling Ally!

SWEET... I rolled another GUTTER BALL probably for the 50th time that night....but hey the gutter and I aren't so good of friends any more...I tend to keep it on the lane now!

Devin reassuring me it was O.K. and that someday my ball will go where its suppose too;)

Our team -"The Marshmallow Matey's" We had a great time playing with the Partridge's. We made some great memories with them!


WhAt A CuTiE!!!

My friend from Iowa came to visit. She brought her brand new baby that she and her husband just adopted. He is 7 weeks old and can I just say SO SO CUTE!!!

He is such a good baby...I couldn't help but just hold him and hug him!

When I saw this picture it made me realize I need to see a little bit more sun;)

He is so lucky to have been given to such great parents! I am so happy for my friend and the amazing story she has to tell about her precious little boy!

We had such a fun time. We went to eat at Maddox and had a great time getting caught up on each others lives. I wish she lived closer (hopefully someday).
