
Braxon 7 Months

A little up date on Braxon at 7 months. He is getting to be such a big boy. Each stage of his life is so much fun. I always think that every stage is the best until the next one comes. Each stage of his life is so much fun, Devin and I can't get enough of him and his cute personality and zest for life!

7 Month Highlights

~He started to scoot on his bum as he sits up and also gets on his knees as he reaches for toys and sometimes finds himself in a face plant since he hasn't mastered crawling yet.

~He loves to eat and he eats pretty much everything we give him. Some of his favorites are: pears, green beans, peas, yogurt, and pretty much anything we are eating!
~I can't keep him watered. I swear he would drink a lake of water if I let him. Whenever he sees us drinking out of a cup he kicks with his mouth wide open until he get some.

~He loves to be On-The-Go....shopping, driving, walks, etc.

~He loves the fish and has now discovered the birds. The hummingbird feeders on our windows are his favorite. He would sit for hours watching them fly in and out. He knows to look at the windows when every I say "where are the birdies"....I think he is going to be an animal lover just like his daddy!

~He continues to respond to music and LOVES IT! No matter where we are, if he hears music, he stops to listen. He has lots of favorites that we sing but his latest is "If your happy and you know it clap your hands".

~He hasn't made out any words yet when he talks, but his latest way to communicate is a high pitch squeal.

~His little personality is developing so much. He is always so happy and it doesn't take much to get him to laugh or crack a smile!


Bad Hair = Good Day

For us as adults, Bad Hair Days usually equal a Bad Day...but for Braxon it was quite the opposite. His fuzzed out crazy hair meant he really enjoyed his nap, hence meaning it was going to be a GOOD DAY!

(I had to laugh when he got up from his nap and I found his hair like this...to me it was quite cute and I left it like that for the better part of the day, maybe now days that is more the style...the messier the better:)


7 Month Photo Shoot

I have been wanting to get Braxon's pictures taken for the longest time and finally the weather cooperated.


Chalk another project off the list....

Since we've been finishing our basement and we took on the Oh so dreaded task of painting it ourselves...I decided since we had the paint sprayer I would attack another project that I have been wanting to do for awhile, which was to redo Braxon's crib and chaining table.



My mom came and helped me attack this project because she had some stuff she wanted to paint as well. Lets just say it was a "PROJECT" and we were glad to get it done, but did have fun doing it together...Thanks Mom for coming and joining me and helping me finish a projected I have wanted to get done!